Sunday Morning Bible Class 

Christian Worship is a very important activity of God’s people, but it is frequently misunderstood. What is it really and how are we supposed to do it? In the Bible, God reveals His teaching about worship. God’s Word helps us to understand who we worship and why. Does God need my worship? Do I need to worship?
Join us on Sunday mornings in person or live-streamed on Facebook at 9 am for our bible class on Worship.

Mid-Week Bible Class 

Many people remember David as the Israelite who killed Goliath the giant. Or as the good friend of Jonathan. Or as the king who committed adultery with Bathsheba. However, if we are only remembering isolated events, the presence and mercy of God in David’s life is easily distorted. We will study the events of David’s life so that our lives can delight in the presence and mercy that God now shows us in the Son of David, Jesus Christ.
Join us on Wednesdays at 10:30am on Zoom for the Life of David.

  [Call the church office for the pertinent ZOOM information] 

Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study will wrap up the first half of their study of In View of God’s Mercies, the Gospel of Romans, on Tuesday, May 21. Starting June 4 and for the duration of the summer they will meet every Tuesday morning at 10:00 am in the Choir Room for a more informal discussion derived from weekly bible readings. They will start back up in the fall to finish their study of the Book of Romans. Please feel free to join us on Tuesday Mornings at 10 am in the choir room.”