Our Mission

To help feed those who struggle with food insecurity in Greene, Putnam, and Morgan counties.

“Feed my sheep.” – John 21:17

The Bread of Life Food Pantry opened October 12, 2023. As a Lake Oconee Lutheran Church (LOLC) ministry, the pantry is a non-profit 501c3 organization. The pantry operates as a drive-though service and is open to residents of, but not limited to, Greene, Putnam, and Morgan counties.

Within a 15-mile radius of Lake Oconee Lutheran Church, approximately 8% of the population lives below the poverty line. The pantry’s mission is to help this group by providing food assistance. According to Pastor Steve Hayden of LOLC, “In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.’ We chose the name ‘Bread of Life’ because Jesus meets all our needs in love. He now leads us to care for the needs of others.”

Anyone can use the food pantry if hunger is an issue or they have limited access to food. Children, seniors, working families, and those who face hardships due to unforeseen circumstances such as job loss or illness are welcome at the Bread of Life Food Pantry.

The Bread of Life Food Pantry’s goal is to assist families in need. We can only achieve this through the generous donations of money and food, and the support of volunteers from our community who have a compassionate desire to help others.  The food pantry holds distribution days on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month (excluding November and December which only has a distribution on the 2nd Thursday).

Location:  Lake Oconee Lutheran Church
1089 Lake Oconee Parkway
Eatonton, GA  31024
Hours:  October – March 11am – 1pm
             April – September  9am – 11am